Real Property Management MetroWest/Worcester

How to Make the Most Out of Your Community Fitness Center

If your Worcester rental home has access to a community fitness center, you may be wondering how to make the most of it. After all, using gym equipment can be a bit intimidating, especially when other people are around. But having access to a fitness center is a great advantage because it gives you so many exercise options, especially if the weather keeps you from going outdoors. To make the most of your community fitness center, keep reading for a few easy tips and ideas that are easy to change and use.

1.   Sign Up for a Tour

If your community offers tours of your fitness center, it’s a good idea to sign up for one before your first workout. You can look at the available space and equipment, and perhaps get some pointers on using the machines properly. You might also be able to ask questions and even try out some of the equipment while others help you. Doing so can help you feel more confident and increase your chances of going back more often.

Even if there aren’t any tours available, call and ask the fitness center or community manager any questions you may have, including when the busiest times tend to be. If you’re nervous and new to working out, you could try to use the fitness center during slower times so that you won’t feel as conspicuous.

2.   Start with Bodyweight Exercises

No two community fitness centers are alike. Whilst some offer a wide range of machines and equipment, others are pretty small. No matter what yours looks like, one of the best places to start using your fitness center is bodyweight exercises. With perhaps a yoga mat and just a little floor space, it’s simple to complete activities that use your body weight. Push-ups, squats, lunges, and burpees are all great strength-building exercises that also burn many calories. Alternate with jumping jacks or jump rope to get that heart rate up.

3.   Create a Circuit

Another great way to use your community fitness center is to use the available equipment to create a circuit that will work out different muscle groups. This can be great for full-body toning and strengthening. For example, you could start by using hand weights to work your biceps and triceps. Then do planks or push-ups to work your shoulders and abdominal muscles. Finally, hop on the treadmill, stationary bike, or elliptical machine to work your lower body and burn calories. In order to achieve the best results, repeat your circuit at least twice and try to incorporate various moves that work your muscles in different ways.

4.   Activate Your Core

As you plan your fitness center workouts, don’t forget to include exercises to build your core muscles. Planks, crunches, reverse crunches, and similar exercises focus on your abdominal muscles and help you build a strong core. This is essential for good back and neck health. You can also use a medicine ball or exercise ball to change things up and make working your core muscles more fun.

5.   Add Some Supersets

A superset is a pairing of exercises performed back-to-back, typically exercises that work opposite muscle groups. For example, you might do a set of deadlifts, followed immediately by a set of push-ups. By eliminating rest between exercises, you can keep your heart rate consistently elevated and make your workouts more effective. Once you are comfortable using your community fitness center space, you can add some supersets to your circuit.

If you’ve got a community fitness center, why not make the most of it? By following these tips, you can become comfortable using the space while improving your physical fitness at the same time.


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