Real Property Management MetroWest/Worcester

6 Tips on How to Make an Investment Property Appealing

Buying an investment property is a significant decision and can be a lucrative one. Still, you need to take some precautions, do your research, don’t jump in, and read the tips Real Property Management MetroWest/Worcester has provided worldwide professionals in the real estate industry on buying, designing, and managing your first investment property.

What To Know When Investing In Real Estate

BiggerPockets points out that owning a property, especially a rental one, can be highly lucrative — especially if you’re thinking long-term, like retirement. Knowing what details need to be in place can help any property owner what must be done to create the type of financial goals they want in both the long term and short term.

Before starting up your investment property business, you’ll need to know the ins and outs of starting a business. One of the first steps is deciding how to structure your operation. Many small business owners choose to form as a limited liability company (LLC) because of the protection of personal assets. Other benefits of running an LLC is decreased paperwork and the tax advantages over, for example, a corporate structure.

So, what are some critical aspects to consider when looking for a rental property and essential improvements you can make?

Before You Buy

You should consider several different things before you buy an investment property. The first one is the type of financing you can get and how to get approved for it. Another crucial factor in figuring out is the ability to earn rental income and how much to charge after you make the necessary updates.

You should also regard the property’s location, as homes in desirable areas are more likely to attract renters. For instance, if you’re trying to appeal to vacationers, the Hampton Roads area is known for its hundreds of historical sites and attractions, including miles of waterfront properties and beaches. If you purchase a home located near these activities, you’ll be on your way to investing in a profitable property.

Also, consider if you have the time to manage your investment property or if you need to hire someone to do it. Before investing, you should also be thinking about the risks and how your situation can change with time. Investment properties like rental buildings, purchases, etc., are some of the best options to increase your retirement income as they can appreciate with time; besides, as Financial Samurai notes, this market is always in trend because people need a place to live, no matter the times. Still, you may need to make a few changes to increase the rent price or prepare the house for sale.

Get Rid of the Clutter​

Start with getting rid of all the clutter, and before you even put your property on the market for sale or rent, donate or throw away all the stuff you do not need. Make sure also to reduce the clutter around the house and arrange the front and backyard to be appealing. A decluttered house is the first step in a home makeover designed to attract tenants or buyers.

Rational Remodeling

Improving the place doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to invest in a complete remodel of the bathroom or the kitchen. Sometimes, making a few minor updates, such as new drawer pulls, a lamp, or other accessories paired with professional cleaning, may be enough. Some projects, like cleaning the chimney, are best left up to the pros, so use an online service directory to find a nearby contractor by searching out, for example, local chimney sweeps. As with everything else, a thorough comparison with the other homes in the area and price range will help with these updates enormously.

​Paint Neutral

When considering the color of the walls, think about another essential home renting or selling tip. Remember that there can be significant ranges of tastes for your potential tenants or buyers, so don’t risk deterring clients by painting the walls in bright colors. Keep in mind that any room that doesn’t get sufficient sun will benefit from light wall color, while bright and deep colors make the space seem smaller. You don’t need to paint the rooms in a harsh, pure white, but a pleasant yellow or light beige will make the room appear brighter and larger.

Don’t Over-Decorate​

Pay attention not to take over your home makeover with a decorating style to the point where the tenants or buyers cannot imagine the place decorated in their own style. Because most people find it difficult to see past the design and decor, if they do not match the potential client’s taste, it makes it hard to imagine it different, meaning they will choose another location. By incorporating this strategy, you attract tenants or buyers and can rent or sell your house for more money.

Time to Market Your Property​

Now that all the finishing touches have been completed and the home is ready for renters, it’s time to put on your marketing hat. If no one knows the property is available, it’s just going to be taking up space. An important part of your marketing strategy is creative content marketing, where you create, publish and share content that is targeted to your audience. As Influence & Co. notes, “content marketing is a great way to grow an organization and create value for its target audience.” That being said, it’s worth your while to learn all you can about content marketing as a novel form of business promotion.

Make Sure You’re Ready

Don’t walk into an investment purchase blindly. When buying and updating a property, these tips keep you focused on the factors that help you make the best financial decision. Ensure you’re equipped for the responsibility investment properties to require, and you’ll do well.


As part of the nation’s largest property management organization, Real Property Management MetroWest/Worcester is unmatched in its ability to provide comprehensive property management solutions. Contact us today to learn more! (508) 329-6000